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Philosophies close to us

NVC – (Nonviolent communication)

Nonviolent communication also called empathetic communication, constructive communication, or language of the heart. Such nomenclature results from the fact that people implementing NVC try to establish contact with each other based not on conflict, but on understanding and respect.
Non-violent communication implies that the needs of those who communicate with each other should be met in a peaceful manner. Thanks to this, contact with the child is characterized by high quality and fosters bond building. Using NVC in communicating with a toddler is simple, but requires some practice and some theoretical basis. Creative method – Marshall Rosenberg assumed that in order to properly implement constructive communication one should use the method of 4 steps. First, one should refer to the facts and observations related to the event. Secondly, it aims to express the feelings of those involved in communication. Third, it is important to express your needs. The fourth and final step in a nonviolent agreement is to formulate a clear, constructive request.
It is a philosophy close to us, supporting the development of emotional intelligence in a child.

Thanks to such communication, the child is taught empathy, understanding and respect, learns to become aware of his feelings and needs. Such communication helps to resolve conflicts constructively.

Attachment Parenting – a philosophy of being close to a child.

Closeness parenting is an approach in raising children, which is based on the theory of attachment, its essence is to create an emotional bond with parents and caregivers. This bond plays an extremely important role throughout the child’s life. Whether a child will trust other people, will easily establish relationships, or will be positive about the challenges ahead, largely depends on the type of first relationship with the caregiver.
This is not a new idea of ​​raising a child, it has been around for a long time, but it is described in more detail by William Sears in The Attachment Parenting Book.

According to intimacy parenting, the caregiver is sensitive to the child’s needs and emotions. The relationship is based on mutual respect and commitment. The parent cultivates the child’s sense of security, accepts all of the child’s emotions and helps them understand and deal with them. Following the principles of closeness parenting, in pre-school we do not apply penalties and rewards, or “stress-free upbringing”, we consistently set boundaries for the child and teach children the principles of social functioning. By implementing the original emotional intelligence development program with children, we teach children to consciously experience emotions and adaptive methods of dealing with them. We create a safe environment full of sensitivity and respect for the child. We support parents in creating a close bond with the child by organizing various family activities and engaging parents to co-create the pre-school environment (reading fairy tales by parents in pre-school, presentation of the parent’s profession / activity). ”