For many children, starting pre-school is a great event. Parents and grandparents also experience the crossing of the preschool threshold, as suddenly many changes take place in a child’s life. A safe, predictable home with well-known parents and guardians turns your child into a pre-school where everything is new and unknown.

Additionally, a beginning pre-schooler has to face new, unknown situations in which the child’s sense of security may be disturbed, and the first fears may appear. Parents also have to get used to the new situation, that the child will be alone in the peer group and that the presence of caring parents will not always be necessary.

For children and parents to gradually and in safe circumstances get used to the new stage in a child’s life, time is needed for a calm and thoughtful adaptation to the new environment, which is nursery and pre-school.

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In the first stage of the adaptation process, it is worth providing parents with time and conditions to get to know the pre-school. It is worth planning individual meetings with parents in the school, during which we can present the educational offer and the ways in which the pre-school works, as well as answer parents’ questions.

After the informational meeting with the parents, it is time to introduce the child to the new place. For this purpose, it is better to consider when and under what circumstances the child and parents can visit the pre-school. Such visits by a child, in the company of caring and loving parents, allow them to get to know the school in a natural and comfortable way. During the meeting, the child has the opportunity for the first time to see how the pre-school is arranged, play with toys and talk to the teacher.

Having fun

When the pre-school is no longer an unknown place for the child, it is time for a series of adaptation classes. It is best to start the adaptation classes before the first regular day in the school, i.e. before September 1 or before the day when the child is to start attending the school. The weekly series of classes will gradually prepare the child to stay independantly in the pre-school in a friendly and thoughtful atmosphere. During the planned activities, parents gradually move away from the room. The child remains under the care of the teacher for an increasingly long time.

In order to make it easier for children to use what the pre-school has to offer, it is worth considering which areas of the child’s development should be supported. An independent pre-schooler is a successful pre-schooler. In order for a small pre-schooler to be successful in pre-school, he must have self-service skills. Children who signal and efficiently take care of their physiological needs, are able to cope with hygienic activities, attempt to eat, undress and dress independently – they are much more confident and feel much better than their peers with little independence.

When our child starts pre-school education, parents should remember one more important thing. For a child to feel safe, his trust must not be broken. A child must not be deceived by promises. During difficult morning break-ups, you shouldn’t sneak out in secret, don’t promise a quick return, e.g. right after lunch. Failure to keep a promise may be perceived by a child as a threat, e.g. abandonment.

As a result of a well-thought-out adaptation program, September is not a difficult month for babies and their parents, because pre-school is not something new for them, and their teachers and their friends are already well acquainted.

Not all children on September 1 enter pre-school without crying. Some children still find it difficult to part with their parents. They would still prefer a parent to accompany them to play in school. Although the attraction of colleagues as playmates is very significant, parting with loving parents is still very difficult. Children signal their fears to their parents in the form of crying. A small child experiences his fears and fears in the same way as his parents, but he cannot talk about them and he signals them by crying. Crying accompanies a child when they part with their parents, and often occurs at lunchtime. These are the moments that make the little ones especially aware of the lack of relatives. However, it usually takes two weeks and sometimes about a month for a baby to cry. However, there are children for whom it is too early to become pre-schoolers. Separation from parents is such a powerful experience that children are unable to accept it and react to these strong emotional experiences by crying constantly. In such cases, it is worth considering the return of the child later, e.g. in a year.

A There are also children who, from the very first moments in pre-school, feel at home in their new environment.

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The first days in kindergarten – it helps:

Arranging trips to pre-school allows the child to get used to the new place.

Earlier experiences with separation, such as being in the care of grandparents, make it easier for your child to stay in pre-school.

A car or other small toy, a favorite soft toy, a blanket taken from home to school gives the child a sense of security.

Positive attitude of parents – it is worth remembering that our emotions are shared by children.

Dad or mom, parents should accompany the child in the first days of their stay in kindergarten.

Accepting a child’s feelings – a child has a right to be afraid. Let us accept, name the emotions she experiences and support.

Reading books / telling about their own experiences in kindergarten also helps the child to get used to the new situation.

If a parent promises to be after lunch, it is important that he keeps his promise after tea.

Involving the child in the joint purchase of a layette, e.g. a toothbrush, slippers (a dish of choice) will make going to kindergarten a great adventure 🙂