Various extracurricular activities
Our pre-schoolers have the opportunity to develop their individual talents and interests by participating in extra-curricular activities. We make sure that the offer of additional activities is varied and attractive for children. Children can develop their interests during such activities as: dance, ballet, aikido, judo, swimming, mini-tennis, art workshops, sensory arts, experiments, chess, matsensors and music. On site, in the pre-school, you can also take advantage of individual classes with a speech therapist.

Modern dance
– these are classes that develop sensitivity to music, and shape the aesthetics of movement and motor coordination. Dancing helps to overcome shyness and teaches children to cooperate in a group, and shapes motor memory and teaches them to recognize music and rhythms. Modern dance classes are conducted by the Hakiel Dance Academy.

– like no other type of dance, it teaches the best fluency of movements, dexterity, grace, improves concentration and self-discipline, helps to develop harmonious coordination of movements, encourages creativity. It allows “dynamic” children to discharge their energy, and for those closed in themselves to overcome their shyness, motivates them to cooperate in a group, makes them sensitive to art, especially music, and introduces them to the world of beauty.

– this is an acitivty that is introduced to the youngest children to understand the sport discipline of tennis. Classes are conducted in the form of fun, develop physical fitness and eye-hand coordination, which is the basic skill of playing tennis. Games led by the trainer put emphasis on throwing, catching and bouncing specially prepared balls and accessories. Exercise affects psycho-motor development.

– learning and improving swimming for children from 3 years of age conducted in a new swimming pool in the vicinity of the pre-school, conducted by swimming coaches and professionals who spent years in swimming pools training and winning the highest laurels in Poland and abroad. Trainers focus on the quality of classes, modernity and innovation.

– trainings for children are a combination of aikido elements with fun. Practicing aikido techniques greatly develops the sense of balance and coordination of movement, which often children do not have yet. Aikido training teaches children to be safe and friendly in a group. During the exercises, great emphasis is placed on caring for the partner on whom the technique is performed and on safe movement around other exercisers. Aikido techniques are practiced in pairs – the need to find a partner teaches children to overcome shyness and alienation. Children gain confidence and have a really good time. Aikido classes are conducted by sensei from the Aikido Aikikai Center, with whom the kindergarten has been cooperating since 2011.

– these are general development activities that shape skills such as efficiency, speed, coordination and spatial orientation. Lots of games and activities guided by the instructor make children love these activities. Judo develops the ability to fall safely, which is very useful in everyday life. Judo exercises teach mutual respect, develop children’s motor skills and support building a positive self-image.

– these are classes that shape the ability to concentrate, teach logical and spatial thinking. While learning and playing, children learn to be responsible for their own decisions, to respect the opponent and to follow the rules of fair play. Classes are an excellent complement to the intellectual development of children.

– these are classes, which the paints and plastic masses based on food products created by children are used. Everything smells, is colorful, has different textures, they can taste everything, experience it by touch, feel it under their feet and, above all, get dirty.
In sensoplasty classes, the children play on the floor. Together, they create dough, gelcoat, stained glass paint, swelling paint, sand, and many other so far undiscovered masses. There are no protective aprons and the space is secured so that play can be creative and free.

– these are activities that provide children with both fun and a large dose of knowledge in the field of chemistry, physics and biology. Performing simple experiments in these areas is an extremely educational adventure. Trainers present key issues related to a given topic, and the most important element of the program are experiments.

Art workshop
– triggering the child’s creative activity and shaping the discovery of the pleasures of artistic activity. It is inspiring a child to express themselves and knowledge about the surrounding world through various artistic means.

– “sensory mathematics” – while playing, children stimulate all senses and cognitive functions of the brain. These are classes that the instructor always comes to with a lot of additional teaching aids. A sensory pool, colorful feathers, rattles made of groats, peas or rice, a sensory path or an obstacle course are just a few of the attractions that appear during the classes. Matsensors are games in the areas of: comparing and classifying, sorting objects by size, weight, color, shape – that is, working on sets, arranging and grouping according to mathematical features, i.e. empty, full, large, small, next, matching or mismatched, orientation in space – under, above, next to learning about the world from the level of senses, improving “fine motor skills”, developing a sense of rhythm, improving hand-eye coordination, shaping awareness of your own body.

– these are activities that stimulate the musical development of a child mainly through singing. Their main goal is the development of musical abilities and the shaping of a musical language that supports the comprehensive development of a child. Classes are held in the form of singing and rhythmic girls. Through play, children learn about melodies in various modal scales or simple and uncomplicated rhythms. During the classes modeled on the Edwin W. Gordon method, the child’s motor dictionary is enriched, sensitivity is developed, voice is shaped, and the skills of singing, interacting with others, imitating and evoking motor reactions are improved. The results of many scientific studies show that a child who has contact with music from the first months of his life develops more fully, reacts faster to external stimuli and has better contact with the world.

Individual classes with a speech therapist
– at the beginning of the school year, every child is examined free of charge by a speech therapist, who determines the level of the child’s language development and, if necessary, proposes participation in individual therapeutic classes. The speech therapist help also includes meetings with parents and supporting the teaching staff in developing children’s language skills. The program of work with the child is adjusted individually to their abilities and needs. The methods of work used by the speech therapist are primarily games and activities, which means that children participate in classes willingly and don’t get bored.